2022 Healthy Homes Summit: Developing Legal Strategies for a Lead-Free Pennsylvania
Lead poisoning is a serious problem for Pennsylvanians. Exposure to lead from water pipes, paint, and dust causes irreversible brain damage in young children. Renters in Pennsylvania are especially vulnerable when lead exposure is not prevented through robust property inspection and enforcement laws. Learn about the scope of the problem, and different types of legal solutions that advocates have used to prevent lead poisoning. Public health officials will share resources for Lehigh Valley residents to mitigate lead exposure locally. Advocates from across the commonwealth will share their experiences passing lead safety ordinances in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and other municipalities in Pennsylvania. Attorneys can earn 2.5 hours of CLE credit for attending this virtual conference.
The 2022 Healthy Homes Summit is made possible, in part, from a generous sponsorship from Greater Lehigh Valley Realtors.