The 2023 National Celebration of Pro Bono is October 22-28. NPLS wishes to thank our many pro bono volunteers who take the time to represent clients in civil legal cases. Last year, 106 private attorneys accepted 252 pro bono cases and 212 Judicare cases for NPLS in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
In addition to representing clients, pro bono volunteers help in many ways. They provide mentoring to new staff attorneys, help with our NPLS fundraiser, participate in CLEs, sign up for emeritus status to assist with casework, and serve on our volunteer board of directors and committees. We are grateful for the many ways the legal community supports civil justice efforts!
The following is a list of pro bono attorneys who accepted NPLS cases during the 2022-23 fiscal year:
Ettore J. Angelo, Esq.
John M. Ashcraft III, Esq.
Jennifer Ayers, Esq.
Barbara L. Baldo, Esq.
William Baney, Esq.
Dean C. Berg, Esq.
Brian J. Bluth, Esq.
Christie E. Bowers, Esq.
Patricia Bowman, Esq.
Thomas Burkhart, Esq.
William P. Carlucci, Esq.
Mary Beth Clark, Esq.
Michael H. Collins, Esq.
Michael F. Corriere, Esq.
Jonathan DeWald, Esq.
Michelle DeWald, Esq.
Matt Diemer, Esq.
Christina Dinges, Esq.
Michael A. Dinges, Esq.
Jeffrey C. Dohrmann, Esq.
Stevie K. Draklan, Esq.
Douglas N. Engelman, Esq.
James R. Fiorentino, Esq.
Bryan Fitzcharles, Esq.
Kerry Scott Freidl, Esq.
Sean Gingerich, Esq.
Lisa Glick, Esq.
Matthew F. Golden, Esq.
Allison Grady, Esq.
Brandon Griest, Esq.
Stephen Hartley, Esq.
Bradley S. Hillman, Esq.
Landon Ray Hodges, Esq.
Trisha Hoover Jasper, Esq.
Nicole M. Ippolito, Esq.
Christian J. Kalaus, Esq.
Marc Kranson, Esq.
Joseph F. Leeson III, Esq.
Nadia Lescott, Esq.
Angela Lovecchio, Esq.
Christian A. Lovecchio, Esq.
Mark Lovecchio, Esq.
James Malee, Esq.
Blake Marks, Esq.
Donald F. Martino, Esq.
Joy Reynolds McCoy, Esq.
Michael P. McIntyre, Esq.
Sharon McLaughlin, Esq.
Leonard M. Mellon, Esq.
Adam D. Meshkov, Esq.
Corey Mowrey, Esq.
Robert R. Pandaleon, Esq.
John E. Person, Esq.
John P. Pietrovito, Esq.
Vicki Piontek, Esq.
Melody Protasio, Esq.
Timothy Reitz, Esq.
Clifford A. Rieders, Esq.
Susan Roinick, Esq.
Alexandra Rozzi, Esq.
Melissa P. Rudas, Esq.
Kyle W. Rude, Esq.
Lisa A. Rynard, Esq.
Lindsay Scheller, Esq.
Victor E. Scomillio, Esq.
Christopher M. Shipman, Esq.
Patricia A. Shipman, Esq.
Richard J. Shiroff, Esq.
Stephen C. Sholder, Esq.
Alexandra Sholley, Esq.
John A. Smay, Esq.
Brittany O. Smith, Esq.
Bret J. Southard, Esq.
Christopher T. Spadoni, Esq.
Lisa M. Spitale, Esq.
Gregory A. Stapp, Esq.
Alfred Stirba IV, Esq.
Michael J. Vargo, Esq.
Nicole Viscomi, Esq.
Thomas Waffenschmidt, Esq.
Alexander O. Ward, Esq.
Gary L. Weber, Esq.
David F. Wilk, Esq.
W. Jeffrey Yates, Esq.