Private Attorney Involvement
The demand for legal services continues to grow as does the need for quality pro bono legal assistance. In our 2023-2024 fiscal year, NPLS's staff attorneys and volunteer attorneys helped more than 18,763 people. Each year, NPLS turns away more than 10,000 others because of lack of resources to help everyone. Volunteer attorneys bridge the gap between those who need assistance and those who receive it directly from Legal Aid. In the 2023-2024 fiscal year, 70 private attorneys accepted 203 pro bono cases, and 19 judicare attorneys accepted 163 cases. We are appreciative of the services private attorneys provide to our low-income clients and are always looking for ways for that number to increase!
To encourage Pro Bono work, under a pilot project approved by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, attorneys may receive one (1) CLE credit hour for every five (5) hours of pro bono service completed through Accredited Pro Bono CLE Providers, such as NPLS. A maximum of three hours may be applied per compliance period.
We encourage volunteers to help any way they can. If you are unable to provide direct representation to clients, perhaps you could provide advice to pro se litigants or assist with our informational workshops or CLE presentations.

How do I get started?
Fill in the form below and the Pro Bono Coordinator or Office Manager in your area will contact you about available opportunities.
(Note: For questions, requests, to reach out to a specific staff person, or for all other inquiries, please visit our Contact Us page.)
Please DO NOT include requests for assistance or details about legal issues.
We will not respond to requests for assistance or legal issues through this form.
If you would like to apply for services, you may call 877-953-4250 during the hours listed above or apply online.